University of Alaska Fairbanks
B.S Fisheries and Ocean Sciences
- Freshwater ecology
- Macroinvertebrate identification
- Stable isotopes analysis
- Bioenergetics
I am a freshwater ecologist who primarily focuses on the interactions that take place between aquatic macroinvertebrates and fish. I have 6 years of experience identifying macroinvertebrates from across Alaska, which I began during my undergraduate degree at UAF. As an undergraduate I also had the opportunity to conduct research, in two different studies using stable isotopes to make diet comparisons between sub populations of Arctic Grayling and Yellow Eye Rockfish. This research was supported by the Undergraduate Research and Scholarly Activity (URSA) program as well as my scholarship in the Biomedical Learning and Student Training (BLaST) program. I feel privileged to be back at UAF as a graduate student and am excited for the work to come!
Currently my research centers around developing a bioenergetic model to assess growth rates of juvenile salmonids in a mining-impacted stream. This stream, Coal Creek, is located in Yukon-Charley Rivers National Preserve and is undergoing a restoration in 2026 with the intention of improving habitat for juvenile Chinook salmon. My research will not only demonstrate the impacts to fish growth rates resultant from alterations made during mining, but will also provide essential baseline monitoring data with which post restoration assessments can be compared.