Healthy Living lecture series begins June 4

The University of Alaska Fairbanks will host the 14th annual Healthy Living lecture series starting on June 4. The free series offers a variety of presentations by Alaska medical specialists and experts.

The lectures are presented by UAF Summer Sessions and Lifelong Learning and are open to the public. Lectures will be at 7 p.m. Tuesdays at the BP Design Theater, located on the fourth floor of the Usibelli Building on the UAF Troth Yeddha’ Campus. Parking on campus is free after 5 p.m.

The presentations are coordinated and hosted by Michael Powers, former chief executive officer at Fairbanks Memorial Hospital. They will be livestreamed on the and made available as recordings online within two weeks of the live event.

Lectures in the Healthy Living series include:

  • June 4 – “AI and Predictive Cardiac Maintenance,” Romel Wrenn, cardiologist
  • June 11 – “Advances in Vascular Surgery: Forget About the Pump. It’s All About the Pipes,” Mark Ombrellaro, vascular surgeon
  • June 18 – “Spotting a Stroke: BEFAST,” Dawn Brefczynski, Mary Knight and Nellie Toy, registered nurses
  • June 25 – “Gut Health: Preventing and Managing Digestive Disorders,” Scott Luper, naturopathic physician
  • July 9 – “Transformative Care and Weight Wellness: The Role of Medications,” Russ Pierce, family medicine physician
  • July 16 – “Changing Attitudes: Use of Alcohol and Healthy Living,” Peter Dillon, family medicine physician
  • July 23 – “Movement Magic: Aging Joints and What We Can Do,” Ruth Carson, physical therapist
  • July 30 – “Arthritis Surgery Victory: Guidelines for the Win,” Stewart Kerr, orthopedist
  • Aug. 6 – “Fairbanks as We Age: Pieces of the Livability Pie,” Beth Grey, Aging and Disability Resource Center project manager, Fairbanks Senior Center
  • Aug. 13 – “The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning: An Alaskan Version,” Michelle Nace, pediatric hospitalist

Healthy Living lectures are made possible by a contribution from Foundation Health Partners, which operates Fairbanks Memorial Hospital, Tanana Valley Clinic and Denali Center.

For more information, visit the Summer Sessions events page, email or call 907-474-7021.
