Molly Cain joins Alaska Sea Grant as associate director

Headshot photo of Molly Cain outdoors during the Alaska fall season.
Photo courtesy of Molly Cain

Alaska Sea Grant welcomes new associate director Molly Cain. She joins the program’s management team, leads Alaska Sea Grant’s research program, and oversees the program’s state and national fellowship programs, including the Alaska Sea Grant State Fellowship.

Cain brings a wealth of international and national policy experience. As a Fulbright Research Fellow, she investigated water management at Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands. More recently, she was a Sea Grant Knauss Marine Policy Fellow, serving as a member of NOAA Research’s Congressional Analysis and Relations Division. In this role, she worked with NOAA leadership and scientists to communicate NOAA science to policymakers, and was the lead contact on congressional matters for the National Sea Grant Office and other NOAA research programs. Cain worked for NOAA remotely from Fairbanks, Alaska.

“Molly’s experience in conducting university research on issues that are important to watershed ecosystems and the people that inhabit them, combined with her federal agency background, suit her perfectly to work with our program,” said Ginny Eckert, Alaska Sea Grant’s director.

Read more on the Alaska Sea Grant .