Share AGU posters with your colleagues

A researcher stands by his poster at a science conference.
Photo courtesy UAF Geophysical Institute.
A poster session at AGU 2017.

Mather Library and Rasmuson Library invite everyone presenting a poster at the in Chicago to participate in a pre-conference poster session on Thursday, Dec. 8 from 1 – 3 p.m. in the Mather Library, 202 Akasofu Building.

This event provides an opportunity for those presenting at AGU to share their research with their colleagues and the UAF community, and provides a practice session for anyone newly presenting their work. Students, postdocs and researchers/faculty members are all encouraged to participate.

This event is open to the UAF community to attend and learn about the exciting UAF research being presented at AGU. Participants should bring their posters to Mather Library by 12:30 p.m. for set up. Coffee, tea and cookies will be provided during the event.

Please let Holly Dean at know if you are planning to participate so library staff have an idea of how much space will be needed.