Shine a Light series returns today

UAF’s Northwest Campus, the Nanook Diversity and Action Center, and UAF's Department of Equity and Compliance will host the next Shine a Light Series presentation, “Preserving and teaching Inupiat: Renewing relationships to the land and each other,” at noon, Jan. 18, with Roy Apaagzuk Agloinga.

Apaagzuk Agloinga was raised immersed in Inupiat and Yup’ik cultures. He is the co-author of the Qawiaraq Iġałuik Inupiat Dictionary and draws on his experience in rural health, government policy and language preservation to inform his work with the Rasmuson Foundation. He will share his journey in preservation and teaching of the Inupiat language including language history, effects of colonialism, and ongoing efforts in language revitalization.

. No internet? Contact Laura Davis Collins: 907-443-8420 for call-in information.

Sessions in the “Shine a Light: Promoting Conversation on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion” series seek to encourage understanding, build empathy, and engage us all in thinking critically about our world views. Join us each month for a new speaker and topic.