°´Ç³ó³Ù°ù’e±ô²Ô±ð²â³ó: Remembering Forward
°´Ç³ó³Ù°ù’e±ô²Ô±ð²â³ó: Remembering Forward. A film exploring the Just Transition Summit in Alaska.
We are pleased to announce the release of °´Ç³ó³Ù°ù’e±ô²Ô±ð²â³ó, a film exploring our path forward through the lens of the 2020 Just Transition Summit, held in Fairbanks, Alaska. This powerful piece by filmmakers from the University of Alaska Fairbanks under the leadership of Maya Salganek, explores the complex physical, social, and environmental solutions that our communities already hold within the fabric of their histories.
Rochelle Adams
Kh'asheechtlaa Louise Brady
La quen náay Liz Medicine Crow
Jessica Girard
Ernestine Saankaláxt Hayes
Peter Hille
Princess Daazhraii Johnson
Production Crew
Director ...
Camera & Audio ...
Andrew Glynn, Deenaalee Hodgdon, Mika McCrary
Maya Salganek and Daniel Walker
Editing ...
Andrew Glynn, Maya Salganek, Mahala Gale
Max Treece-Noran, Mary Conlin and Glo Chitwood