Meet the Team


Arleigh Reynolds

Arleigh Reynolds

BLaST Principal Investigator

Professor, Emeritus

  • BLaST Leadership
  • BLaST Advisory Committee
  • BLaST Steering Committee
Affiliations: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Karsten Hueffer

Karsten Hueffer

BLaST Principal Investigator

Professor, Dean of College of Natural Science and Mathematics

358A Reichardt Building

  • BLaST Leadership
  • BLaST Advisory
  • BLaST Steering
Affiliation: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Ellen Lopez

Ellen Lopez

BLaST Student Training Core Director

Associate Professor, Psychology

705C Gruening

  • BLaST Leadership
  • BLaST Advisory
  • BLaST Steering
Affiliation: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Ellen Chenoweth

Ellen Chenoweth

BLaST Research Advising & Mentoring Professional

Research Assistant Professor, Marine Biology & Fisheries

Sitka 108, UAS-Sitka

Affiliation: University of Alaska Southeast

Christine Smith

Christine Smith

BLaST Research Advising & Mentoring Professional

Undergraduate Research Coordinator, Fort Lewis College

1000 Rim Drive, Fort Lewis College, Durango, CO 81301


Affiliation: Fort Lewis College

Logan Ito

Logan Ito

BLaST Research Advising and Mentoring Professional

185 Arctic Health Research Building


Affiliation: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Claudia Ihl

Claudia Ihl

Assistant Professor, Biology

College of Indigenous Studies

400 E. Front Street, Nome, Alaska 99762

  • BLaST Advisory

Affiliation: University of Alaska Fairbanks

David Tallmon

David Tallmon

Chair of the Department of Natural Sciences

Professor, Biology

11120 Glacier Highway, Juneau, Alaska 99801

  • BLaST Advisory

Affiliation: University of Alaska Southeast

Linda Nicholas-Figeuroa

Linda Nicholas-Figeuroa

Assistant Professor Biology and Chemistry

100 Stevenson Street, PO Box 749, Barrow, Alaska 99723

  • BLaST Advisory

Affiliation: IIisagvik College

Kathy Etz

Kathy Etz

Senior Advisor for Tribal Affairs to the Principal Deputy Director

C/O NIH - NIDA, 6001 Executive Blvd, Room 5213, MSC 9561, Bethesda, Maryland, 20892

  • BLaST Steering

Affiliation: NIH and Director of Native Programs, National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)

Sue VandeWoude

Sue VandeWoude

Professor of Comparative Medicine and Associate Dean of Research

C/O CSU, 228 Pathology, College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, 1601 Campus Delivery, Fort Collins, CO 80523-1601

  • BLaST Steering

Affiliation: Colorado State University

Lori Gildehaus

Lori Gildehaus

BLaST Program Administrator & Associate Director

Student Training Core

184 Arctic Health Research Building

  • BLaST Staff
Affiliation: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Julene Gavin

Julene Gavin

CNSM & BLaST Fiscal Analyst

354 Reichardt Building

  • BLaST Staff

Affiliation: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Amy Topkok

Amy Topkok

BLaST Reporting and Outreach Coordinator

327 O'Neill Building

  • BLaST Staff

Affiliation: University of Alaska Fairbanks



BLaST Advisory Committee

The BAC manages and oversees program integration for the Fairbanks and pipeline partner campuses, policies and procedures, internal awards for travel, equipment, and faculty pilot projects. General BAC oversight includes coordinating biomedical research engagement and training across the BLaST network; expanding biomedical research partnerships within, between, and outside the universities; facilitating linkages between research and teaching for Alaskans of all ages and educational levels; and developing sustainable funding.

BLaST Steering Committee

The BLaST Steering Committee (BSC) serves as the primary governing board for the BUILD cooperative agreement. The committee’s role is to develop recommendations for uniform procedures and policies necessary to meet the goals of the BUILD initiative and the Diversity Program Consortium. The BSC consist of experts and professionals in biomedical research and university program development, and includes expertise in Alaskan biomedicine and higher education. The BSC provides annual summary input regarding the activities of BLaST, coordinates with the NRMN and CEC, and meets the goals of the BUILD initiative. The committee makes specific recommendations regarding the overall program performance, student research and learning outcomes, research environments, and the progress of outreach and recruiting. The BSC was established with a teleconference in May 2015 and continues to meet often, and in person at least once a year.