• Student-centered grading and feedback seminar

    October 14, 2022

    Explore grading models that can transform the practices and anxiety around grading to make it more conducive to student growth. This is one of the American Association of Colleges and Universities' High Impact Practices, which have been incorporated into program reviews at UAF.
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  • Photo of a woman in a yellow waterproof jacket and blue and white floral bandana kneeling next to a dog on a grassy bluff overlooking a bay and mountainous terrain in the distance.

    October rural staff spotlight: Jill Spetz

    October 14, 2022

    Jill Spetz serves as the Instructional Services Manager for the Bristol Bay Campus in Unalaska. She has taken on a ton the past two semesters, and yet she has remained positive and encouraging to all of the members of our crew throughout.
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  • Headshot portrait of Charlene Stern, the UAF vice chancellor for rural, community and Native education.

    Friday Focus: Being a leader in Indigenizing the Academy

    October 14, 2022

    With the recent celebration of Indigenous Peoples' Day on Oct. 10 across UAF's campuses, I could not help but reflect upon the journey that has brought us to where we are on the pathway to our goal of becoming a global leader in Alaska Native and Indigenous Studies.
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  • 2022 Staff Council election open for voting until Oct. 24

    October 14, 2022

    Voting is currently underway for the 2022 UAF Staff Council elections. Ballots have been sent out to all of the odd-numbered units with the current nominees for those seats as well as the nominees for the at-large representative seats. Ballots containing the nominees for the at-large seats have also been sent to the even-numbered units. Please note that you are welcome to write in candidates if you would like.
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  • Solicitations and Fundraising at UA

    October 13, 2022

    The UA Foundation's Fund & Gift Services Team wants to take this opportunity to remind you of the services and resources available to you through the UA Foundation.
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  • Carla Mccain selected as Research Compliance Officer

    October 13, 2022

    Carla Mccain has been selected as the new Research Compliance Officer of the University of Alaska Fairbanks Office of Research Integrity.
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  • Teaching Tip: Embodying the disillusioned learner

    October 13, 2022

    As instructors, how do you work with learners who are feeling disillusioned with the educational system and rebuild trust in the learning process? Working with post-COVID, or at least sort of post-COVID, learners just feels different.
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  • Aaron Salzman, The Sun Star news director, sits on a bench in front of a weathered, hand painted wooden sign that reads

    Attend The Sun Star student newspaper launch event

    October 12, 2022

    After a two-year hiatus, The Sun Star will relaunch on Oct. 21 at 5 p.m. The Sun Star gives students the opportunity to get published and paid, and has engaged with Alaskan news and culture for over 70 years.
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  • Graphic image of three children in Halloween costumes silhouetted against a yellow moon rising behind a graveyard scene with black bats flying around the words Truck or Treat in neon green, white and orange superimposed over a purple sky.

    Volunteers needed for all ages Halloween event

    October 12, 2022

    Residence Life is running an all ages Halloween carnival and "Truck or Treat" event on Oct. 29 from noon to 4 p.m. at the Hess Recreation Center for the children of UAF affiliates, and volunteers with cars are needed!
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  • Summer 2019 and earlier UAF Blackboard course removal

    October 12, 2022

    UA Blackboard Learn is undergoing its periodic content storage management for all three universities. Academic courses from summer 2019 and earlier are slated for removal from UA Bb Learn on Oct. 28, 2022, and will no longer be accessible. This is routine maintenance for UA Bb Learn and does not interfere with UAF’s switch to Canvas LMS by summer 2024.
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  • UA Faculty Alliance announce calls for proposals for the AY23 Faculty Initiative Fund

    October 11, 2022

    UA Faculty Alliance announce calls for proposals for the AY23 Faculty Initiative Fund. Proposals are due by Nov. 7, 2022. A $300,000 financial commitment was made by the University of Alaska for FY23 to promote inter-university collaboration in program development, scholarly endeavors and student engagement with the goal of reducing cost and promoting internship opportunities for students. The commitment is identified as the Faculty Initiative Fund and may also serve as seed money toward the procurement of external grants and contracts.
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  • Woman works with electrical equipment in a University of Alaska Fairbanks research lab.

    Make an impact with your research

    October 10, 2022

    The Alaska Center for Innovation, Commercialization, and Entrepreneurship seeks innovative academics interested in making a direct impact with their research ventures and finding solutions to today's challenges while building a stronger, more resilient Alaska. The linked Center ICE request for proposals has recently opened for submissions, and all University of Alaska faculty, staff and students are eligible.
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  • Man smiling with an autumn background

    Andrew Miles brings power system modeling expertise to improve Alaska communities

    October 10, 2022

    The Alaska Center for Energy and Power is delighted to have Andrew Miles on board as its new research assistant professor. Miles brings to ACEP his expertise in power system modeling and protection to improve the resiliency of Alaska’s communities.
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  • Updated UAF web template themes available

    October 10, 2022

    University Relations has updated themes available for UAF's Omni CMS web template as part of our ongoing brand refresh. To select an updated web theme, please fill out the UAF web theme request form by Dec. 31, 2022. After submitting the form, the University Relations web team will contact you to coordinate a day and time to apply your updated theme choice.
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  • Call for research projects: BLaST Research Mixer 2022

    October 07, 2022

    The BLaST program will host their annual research mixer Tuesday, Oct. 11 from 4-6 p.m at IARC 501. This is one of the best opportunities of the year to see what research is happening at UAF, which projects, labs and mentors are currently looking for students, and to network with other students, faculty and researchers.
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  • Doug Davis and Deborah Gonzalez '86, children of former UAF Geophysical Institute director Neil Davis, have established three memorial scholarships at UAF. To support their named scholarships, they often use gifts from their IRAs, which are tax-free and count toward their required minimum distribution.

    Osher Lifelong Learning Institute Seminar: Wills and estates - Easier done than said

    October 07, 2022

    Learn how easy it is to plan your estate and leave gifts to people and charities that mean the most to your family! Philanthropic advisors for the UA Foundation will discuss giving through your retirement and estate planning and other strategies at this seminar.
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  • Head and shoulders photo of Nettie LaBelle-Hamer, vice chancellor for research.

    Friday Focus: Birds of a feather: A new twist on the cohort effect

    October 07, 2022

    While participating in technical interface meetings with NASA over many years, I learned how effective cohorts can be in solving problems. A cohort is simply any group of people with a shared characteristic, but in science the term more often refers to a group of people being studied rather than the ones doing the studying.
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  • Gender Inclusion 101

    October 07, 2022

    Please join the Department of Equity and Compliance and NDAC for a training session on Gender Inclusivity via Zoom on Oct. 19 from 1-2 p.m.
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  • DEIA Training Level 1

    October 07, 2022

    DEIA Training Level 1 is a two-session introduction to diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility concepts. Session 1 will focus on learning key DEIA concepts, while Session 2 will focus on practicing what you've learned.
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  • UAF students, staff, faculty, and community members gather at Troth Yeddha’ Park to commemorate the 2017 Indigenous Peoples Day at the Fairbanks campus.

    University of Alaska Fairbanks 2022 Indigenous Peoples' Day events

    October 06, 2022

    The University of Alaska Fairbanks will celebrate 2022 Indigenous Peoples' Day with several events and activities across its different colleges, campuses, and departments.
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  • Register now for the UAF Fall Career Fair

    October 06, 2022

    Registration is open for the UAF Fall Career Fair scheduled for Thursday, Nov. 3 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the Wood Center.
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  • Learn about new Turnitin assignment tool in Canvas

    October 06, 2022

    Turnitin is a tool integrated with Canvas for creating assignments and viewing reports. Join an online training session and learn how instructors use Turnitin.
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  • BLaST Spring 2023 Undergraduate Research Experience funding

    October 05, 2022

    Applications are being accepted for the Biomedical Learning and Student Training Spring 2023 Undergraduate Research Experience until Nov. 6, 2022, at midnight. BLaST engages students from diverse backgrounds in education and training for biomedical research careers, with an emphasis on students from rural Alaska and partners.
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  • Chancellor Dan White

    Chancellor's forum on the budget Oct. 13

    October 05, 2022

    Please join me and members of my leadership team for an online forum on UAF's budget and tuition from 1-2 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 13.
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  • Applications open for URSA Spring 2023 Student Project awards

    October 05, 2022

    Spring Student Project Awards fund undergraduate research and creative activity projects up to $3,000 for individuals or up to $6,000 for a group of two or more students. Funds may be used towards fellowships (student stipends), tuition, travel, or supplies/services.
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