• Masks, disinfecting supplies available to order

    September 12, 2022

    Facilities Services still has a variety of COVID-19 supplies available for online order
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  • Confidentially agreement

    Reminder on nondisclosure agreements

    September 12, 2022

    If your work at the university involves the exchange of proprietary or confidential information, then you should be working through UAF’s assigned staff to execute a nondisclosure agreement, or NDA. NDAs, also referred to as confidential disclosure agreements and proprietary information agreements, are handled by staff at UAF’s Office of Intellectual Property and Commercialization and Office of Grants and Contracts Administration.
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  • Headshot photo of Minnie Naylor

    Minnie Naylor recognized with "Staff Make Students Count" award

    September 09, 2022

    Minnie Lucy Naylor, an academic advisor with University of Alaska Fairbanks Rural Student Services, was recognized by the UA Board of Regents for her personal dedication to student success, friendly and caring nature, and dedication to UAF and its students.
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  • Provost Anupma Prakash (right) with Bethel Elder Esther Green at the Indigenizing Pedagogy workshop held at the UAF Troth Yeddha’ campus in August 2022.

    Friday Focus: Intergenerational learning

    September 09, 2022

    The last few weeks UAF has been abuzz with activity. We welcomed hundreds of new and returning students and their families on our campuses. We also extended a rich 2-day orientation for nearly 60 new faculty members! Thanks to the expanded faculty development team for personally reaching out to every new faculty member and offering both in-person and remote cohort-building opportunities geared towards faculty success.
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  • Survey open for professional development needs

    September 08, 2022

    UAF's Faculty Development community is conducting a survey of all faculty, graduate students, post-docs and others who wish to provide feedback to determine what programs are needed.
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  • Ben Jones

    A grateful scientist celebrates an Arctic lab's pioneers

    September 07, 2022

    Ben Jones led the organizing of a weeklong August event in Utqiagvik to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the founding of the Naval Arctic Research Laboratory.
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  • Young boy wearing safety glasses and a lab coat holding up a magnifying glass with a red banner and white text inside that states

    New tools for employees can yield big education benefits

    September 06, 2022

    This month, "College Savings Month," Alaska 529 invites you to reflect on your family's education savings goals and explore the many tools available to help you reach them.
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  • Mental health resources guide available for students

    September 06, 2022

    The Elmer E. Rasmuson Library would like to welcome students and faculty to a new semester at UAF with a reminder that there are resources to help lower stress, anxiety and depression and to manage your mental health.
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  • Faculty fellows sought for Assessment and Accreditation

    September 02, 2022

    The Office of the Provost is searching for up to four faculty fellows to work on all areas of accreditation and assessment. The faculty fellows will work with the Office of Accreditation and Assessment and provide support to faculty and academic programs.
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  • Headshot photo of Julie Queen, vice chancellor for administrative services

    Friday Focus: Emergency response planning boosts Nanook resiliency

    September 02, 2022

    Welcome back to the fall semester! It is a change in seasons and change in the feeling on the Troth Yeddha' Campus as students return to UAF. I'm sure this feeling is shared at all of the UAF, CTC and community campus locations. As part of preparation for this return, the team in Administrative Services is working hard to make campus look great and feel welcoming, continue with construction work during the busy summer season, and improve and test our safety and notification protocols on campus to ensure the Nanook community is well-situated in case of an emergency.
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  • Headshot photo of Mario Muscarella, an assistant professor of microbiology at the Institute of Biology and Department of Biology and Wildlife at the University of Alaska Fairbanks.

    BLaST celebrates Scientist of the Month

    September 01, 2022

    Since 2016, the Biomedical Learning and Student Training (BLaST) program at UAF has highlighted scientists from all biomedical fields through its Scientist of the Month articles. UAF Faculty Mario Muscarella of the department of biology and wildlife was selected as the August BLaST Scientist of the Month.
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  • Registration open for Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning hybrid symposium and workshop

    September 01, 2022

    Researchers, clinicians and community members are invited to a one-day hybrid symposium on Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning (AI/ML) prospects for Alaska Native health.
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  • Academic Program Review process changes

    September 01, 2022

    This year, we're excited to introduce the UAF community to a number of positive changes to the Academic Program Review process. These changes follow a more than year-long effort of assessing our old program review system and reimagining a more inclusive and collaborative review environment to foster program improvement and growth.
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  • Mental Health First Aid training

    August 31, 2022

    Student Health and Counseling is offering several Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) trainings throughout the semester. MHFA is a course that teaches participants how to identify, understand and respond to signs of mental health and substance use challenges.
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  • Headshot photo of Charlene Stern, vice chancellor for rural community and Native education.

    Troth Yeddha' update

    August 31, 2022

    The Troth Yeddha’ Indigenous Studies Center is UAF’s primary fundraising initiative, and an embodiment of UAF’s strategic priority to strengthen our position as global leaders in Alaska Native and Indigenous programs. Recently, the UAF Chancellor appointed a user committee composed of faculty, staff and students to help inform the design and floor plan of the facility.
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  • BLaST graduate assistant Madison Kosma shows off a new BLaST-funded freezer to be used in the Straley lab at the University of Alaska Southeast Sitka campus.

    BLaST equipment funding opportunity

    August 31, 2022

    The BLaST program invites proposals for the purchase of equipment to support student biomedical research training by Oct. 2.
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  • Nanook Navigator early progress reports

    August 30, 2022

    Nanook Navigator early progress reports informing student success teams about concerns and barriers start Sept. 2-16. We encourage instructors to complete this by Sept. 7 to allow advisors and instructors time to meet with students before the Sept. 9 add/drop deadline.
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  • Joy Lomelino (left) and Evan Joyce (right) are Alaska-grown ACEP undergraduate interns.

    ACEP interns explore Alaska's uncharted waters

    August 30, 2022

    Alaska Center for Energy and Power undergraduate summer interns Joy Lomelino and Evan Joyce are working under the mentorship of Erin Trochim this summer on the Coastal Mapping and Hydrokinetic Characterization Project.
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  • Headshot photo of Holly McDonald

    Holly McDonald appointed as university registrar

    August 29, 2022

    Holly McDonald has been appointed as University Registrar. Holly's relationship with UAF began over 25 years ago as a student. After working as a student employee and finishing her bachelor's degree at UAF, she began working at the Center for Distance Education, now eCampus, in 2001.
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  • UAF hosting Arctic Fest events

    August 29, 2022

    The University of Alaska Fairbanks is hosting a series of events Aug. 29 through Sept. 3 as part of Arctic Fest, a festival combining art, science, innovation, and Indigenous perspectives with a focus on the changing environment of the circumpolar North.
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  • Headshot photo of UAF Chancellor Dan White

    Friday Focus: Rev-it-up

    August 26, 2022

    Wednesday was my favorite day of the year. Rev-it-up is the whole cacophony of events that make move-in day for first-year students (and their families) one of celebration and engagement. Since the first time I participated in Rev-it-up I was sold. It is my fave.
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  • Headshot photo of Cameron (Cam) Carlson, dean of the University of Alaska Fairbanks College of Business and Security Management.

    Cam Carlson named UAF College of Business and Security Management dean

    August 26, 2022

    Cameron (Cam) Carlson has been selected as the dean of the University of Alaska Fairbanks College of Business and Security Management. He will start in his new role on Aug. 28, 2022.
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  • Photo of Brittany Van Eck, UAF space planner and leasing manager.

    Our Corner of Space: Let's talk about space requests

    August 25, 2022

    Most commonly, the catalyst to a space request starts with an internal UAF department or unit. The requesting individual/unit has a need for more space, a change in space, or the desire to change the use of the space. If this request is supported by Deans or Directors up to the Vice Chancellor or Provost, a space request form should be submitted.
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  • The trans-Alaska pipeline winds across a valley on the Dalton Highway as 10 electric vehicles drive to the Arctic Ocean during the first Arctic Road Rally. Photo by Michael Lindemann.

    ACEP intern supports EVs' drive north to the future

    August 24, 2022

    What does it mean to be first? To some it means to push boundaries exploring new territories, for others the term may carry no weight at all, still others may think it shows a vanity on the part of the person trying to be first. We were the first. We were the first people to drive electric vehicles to Oliktok Point.
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  • Photo of woodstove fire with text overlay stating Fairbanks residents wanted for University of Alaska Anchorage study

    Wood smoke study opportunity

    August 24, 2022

    Do you want to earn $200 and learn about the air quality in your home? UAA is conducting a research study on the health effects of wood smoke.
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