• A researcher stands by his poster at a science conference.

    Share AGU posters with your colleagues

    November 23, 2022

    Mather Library and Rasmuson Library invite everyone presenting a poster at the American Geophysical Union fall meeting in Chicago to participate in a pre-conference poster session in the Mather Library on Thursday, Dec. 8 from 1-3 p.m.
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  • UAF Chancellor Dan White

    Friday Focus: The Troth Yeddha' Indigenous Studies Center – coming soon to UAF!

    November 23, 2022

    Last Saturday evening, a number of UAF faculty, staff and students attended the First Alaskans Institute Annual Howard Rock and Ted Stevens Smokehouse Gala. FAI is a non-profit organization committed to advancing Alaska Natives through community engagement, information and research, collaboration, and leadership development. UAF has partnered with FAI in numerous ways. Hopefully you have heard me talk about the dialogue agreements that help to guide the ways that we agree to engage with one another. I am thankful for the dialogue agreements that we borrow from FAI.
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  • A student researcher getting samples from a lake.

    Aurora: Diving into Alaska's DNA

    November 23, 2022

    Using genomics technology, UAF students extract insights from the information soup swimming in Alaska's aquatic ecosystems.
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  • Tommy Sheridan

    Sheridan joins Alaska Blue Economy Center

    November 23, 2022

    Tommy Sheridan has joined UAF's Alaska Blue Economy Center as its associate director. He'll serve concurrently as the site coordinator for the Cordova Community Innovation Hub through the Alaska Regional Collaboration for Technology Innovation and Commercialization program.
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  • Portrait of Denise Kind

    Nanook Navigator and Student Success Spotlight: Denise Kind

    November 21, 2022

    The Nanook Navigator and Student Success spotlight for November is Denise Kind. Denise is an associate professor in the College of Natural Science and Mathematics in the Department of Biology and Wildlife.
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  • Torrey McClain is on the far right, standing with three fellow officers, and three officers from last year's lineup of national student officers. (Credit: Educators Rising Alaska staff)

    Educators Rising Alaska student officer elected national president

    November 21, 2022

    Educators Rising Alaska is celebrating the accomplishments of one of its high school students. Torrey McClain, a senior at Palmer High School, was elected president of the Educators Rising national student officers.
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  • Peter Westley holds a salmon briefly just above the water of a river in Alaska.

    Peter Westley named finalist for 2022 edX prize

    November 21, 2022

    Peter Westley, an associate professor at UAF's College of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences, is among 10 finalists for the 2022 edX Prize for Exceptional Contributions in Online Teaching and Learning.
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  • Please consider giving to United Way

    November 18, 2022

    So far in the 2022 UAF United Way Campaign, we are just shy of six percent toward our goal of $40,000. I’m writing to share why I am committed to giving to the United Way every year, how I got involved, and how little you can give that makes a huge difference! Please consider giving a small, recurring payroll deduction to United Way of the Tanana Valley.
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  • Join the Staff Recognition and Development Day committee

    November 18, 2022

    Hello staff and faculty! If you would like to assist with putting together the Staff Recognition and Development Day, please join us! We are looking for anyone wanting to work on the committee or assist during the event.
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  • A line of college students on a stage.

    UAF student wins scholarship to attend national conference

    November 18, 2022

    Karsten Sierra wanted to go to the national conference of the American Indian Science and Engineering Society this year, but the costs presented a challenge.
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  • UAF staff member Sarah Garcia's Christmas tree.

    Combat the winter with Staff Council

    November 17, 2022

    The University Advocacy Committee is starting a conversation about what staff members do or experience during the winter times that helps them stay healthy and happy. We will be posting some questions for staff (faculty can join in too), and we will collect responses and photos for over a few weeks then send out another post such as this with a new link to the next week or two's questions and some of the responses we received from the previous questions.
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  • Students and teacher in an elementary classroom.

    STEM fellowships available for education students

    November 16, 2022

    Education students: create a series of STEM lessons and you could earn $2,500! You must be an elementary or secondary teacher education student doing a classroom practicum. Students are encouraged to incorporate NASA education materials in all classrooms, including visual and performing arts, social studies, health and physical education, and the humanities. All eligible candidates are encouraged to apply.
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  • Logo for Premio Internacional de Poesía, Image courtesy of DALYA Editorial.

    "Dolors Alberola" Poetry Prize

    November 16, 2022

    We invite writers worldwide to enter the competition with an unpublished collection of poems (500-800 lines) in any official language of the world. Poems may be on any subject in any form or style. Submit online, deadline is Jan. 31, 2023.
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  • Staff Council food drive for student pantry

    November 16, 2022

    UAF Staff Council is hosting a food drive to support the UAF Food Pantry. If your department is interested in participating, please put out a food box in your area to collect non-perishable/shelf-stable food and toiletries.
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  • A bluethroat bird sits atop a shrub in Nome, Alaska.

    Gavin Migratory Bird Research Grant applications due by Dec. 12

    November 16, 2022

    Scientists within the University of Alaska system, including graduate students and faculty members, are eligible to apply for the Angus Gavin Memorial Migratory Bird Research Grant now open for 2023 field season proposals. The application deadline is Dec. 12, 2022. There are two $15,000 awards available.
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  • Tracie Haan loading DNA into the Nanopore Minion.

    Alaska INBRE Graduate Research Assistantship opportunity open

    November 16, 2022

    Are you a graduate student? Are you interested in applying for a graduate research assistantship? Alaska INBRE's GRA opportunity is open. The deadline for submission is Jan. 13, 2023, by 5 p.m. AKT.
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  • UAF ÑÇÖÞÒùÊŽÈËÆÞ Association to host Pre-game Rally for Governor's Cup

    November 16, 2022

    Dust off your ugly sweater on Friday, Dec. 9 at 5 p.m. at the Lat 65 Brewing Company to cheer on our very own Alaska Nanooks at the UAFAA Pre-game Rally. Join us for this festive event as we prepare to head back to the Carlson Center for the first game in the Alaska Airlines Governor's Cup series since 2020.
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  • Melissa Shippey sits in front skeins and balls of yarn.

    Aurora: Sharing a colorful yarn

    November 16, 2022

    A long-ago visit to a knitting shop leads Melissa Shippey to a new field in which to apply her scientific methods.
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  • Researchers from the Toolik Field Station community share their science in the 2019 All Scientists Meeting poster session.

    Register for the Toolik Field Station 2023 All Scientists Meeting

    November 15, 2022

    Toolik Field Station welcomes all to join them for two days of science and conversation at their biennial All Scientists Meeting this January in Santa Barbara, California. The All Scientists Meeting is intended to spark conversation, inspire new ideas, and garner feedback amongst the Toolik community.
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  • Federal Work Study can save your department money

    November 15, 2022

    The Federal Work Study program allows for your department to hire a student worker - and not pay the full cost of wages! Your office will pay up to 50 percent of the wages while the Financial Aid Office covers the remaining amount. Any student position can be a FWS position. This is a great opportunity to save your department money while supporting UAF students through employment and training.
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  • Társilo Girona

    Geophysical Institute volcanologist receives international honor

    November 14, 2022

    A University of Alaska Fairbanks volcanologist has received a high honor from the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics.
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  • Courses where the cost of textbooks and materials is under $40 are NoLo (no/low-cost materials courses).

    Subscribe to NoLo Superheroes news

    November 14, 2022

    Curious about what's happening with NoLo (no/low-cost course materials) and OER (open education resources) at UAF? The NoLo Superheroes newsletter is published 2-3 times yearly.
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  • Graphic depiction of two astronauts viewing an explosion in space

    Graduate student research grants available from NASA

    November 14, 2022

    Graduate students can apply for up to $15,000 in total direct costs grants to undertake NASA-relevant research.
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  • Check UAF on Alert for latest information

    November 14, 2022

    Wondering if bad weather may cause a delay to campus operations or classes? Need to know the latest on an emergency alert that just went out? Keep up on the latest information on the UAF on Alert page.
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  • A woman stands in front of a computer speaking into a microphone in a room of people.

    Climate adaptation training brings tribal communities together

    November 14, 2022

    Earlier this month, a cohort representing twelve Alaska tribal communities across western and interior Alaska gathered at the International Arctic Research Center to attend a Tribal Climate Adaptation 101 training led by the Alaska Tribal Resilience Learning Network within the Alaska Climate Adaptation Science Center at UAF.
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